The universe is Mental-held in the mind of THE ALL
The Kybalion.
The seven Universal Laws of the Universe that Govern Creation

Mentalism - "The ALL Is Mind; The Universe is mental."-The Kybalion
Universal Law Mentalism is a concept that suggests that everything in the universe is made up of mental energy. This means that our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs have a direct effect on the world around us. According to this theory, we are all connected through this mental energy, and our thoughts and actions can influence the reality we experience. By understanding and harnessing the power of our minds, we can create the life desire and manifest our deepest desires into our life. Universal Law Mentalism is a fascinating concept that has the potential to transform the way we view ourselves and the world around us.
Correspondence - " As Above; so below; as below, so above."-The Kybalion
The Universal Law of Correspondence is one of the seven Hermetic principles that govern the universe. This law states that everything in the universe is connected and that there is a correspondence between the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of existence. This means that what happens in one plane happens in the others. By understanding this law, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and how we can influence it.
Vibration - Nothing rests; everything vibrates.-The Kybalion
The Universal Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe is made up of energy that pulsates at a certain frequency. This includes all matter, thoughts, and emotions. The Law of Vibration also states that like attracts like, meaning that similar frequencies will naturally be drawn to each other. By understanding and working with this law, we can learn to raise our own vibration and attract more positive experiences into our life.
Polarity - "Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of oppisites; likes & unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all parodoxes may be reconciled"-The Kybalion
The universal law of polarity states that everything in the universe has an opposite. This means that there is no good bad, no light without, and no hot cold. The law of polarity teaches us that we can only experience one thing because of its opposite. For example, we can only appreciate the light because we know what darkness is. Understanding this law can help us to find balance in our lives and to appreciate the good and bad experiences that come our way.
Rhythm - " Everything flows, out & in, everything has its tides, all things rise & fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."-The Kybalion
The universal law of Rhythm states that everything in the universe moves in a cyclical pattern. This law is evident in the changing of seasons, the rise and fall of the tides, and the beating our hearts. Understanding this law can help us navigate the ups and downs of life with greater ease and acceptance. By recognizing that everything is temporary and that change is inevitable, we can learn to flow with the rhythm of life rather than resist it.
Cause & Effect - " Every Cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; Chance is but a law not recognized; there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the law."-The Kybalion
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect states that every action has a corresponding reaction. This means that every decision we make, every word we speak, and every thought we have will have an impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. Understanding this law can help us take responsibility for our actions and make conscious decisions that align with our goals and values. By recognizing the power of cause and effect, we can create a more and fulfilling life for ourselves and those we interact with.
Gender- "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine & feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes."-The Kybalion
The universal law of Gender is one of the seven Hermetic principles that govern the universe. This law states that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine energies, and these energies are necessary for creation and manifestation. The masculine energy is associated with action, logic, and strength, while the feminine energy is associated with intuition, emotion, and receptivity. By understanding and balancing these energies within ourselves, we can achieve greater harmony and success in all areas of our lives.

The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes
- The Kybalion
Just as flowers blossom from a tiny bud, flowering into something beautiful, we too grow and thrive in all our health and beauty at different times throughout our lives. And just like flowers, no two moments are the same. No two relationships are the same. Not even two of our lives are ever the same.

THE ALL IS SPIRIT! But what is Spirit?
This question cannot be answered, for the reason that its definition is practically that of
which cannot be explained or defined. Spirit is simply a name that men give to the highest conception of Infinate Living Mind-it means the Real Essence'-it means Living Mind, as much superior to Life & Mind.
The old Hermetic Axiom, 'As above so below', as below, so above!
There are seven Universal laws that govern all the processes of creation; management and evolution of the Universe, of the seven, four are fundemental: they govern & control all the processes of development and evolution of consciousness within the human species, any where in the Universe. These four Laws constitute the lower triangle, and the Law of Evolution is the superior Law which governs the lower triangle also called "triangle of Hell", which constitutes the lower part of the Universal Laws.