All is Divine: Pantheism
Pantheism is a philosophical and religious belief that the universe and nature are divine and interconnected. It posits that the universe is not separate from a god or gods, but rather that the universe itself is the embodiment of divinity. Pantheists believe that everything in the universe is interconnected and that all things are part of a greater whole.
A belief system has roots in Greek philosophy and has been influential in various religious and spiritual movements throughout history.
Pantheism suggests that everything in the universe is part of a greater whole, that divinity can be found in all things. Fractals, on the other hand, are mathematical patterns that repeat themselves at different scales. They are found in nature, from the branching of trees to the shape of coastlines. The connection between pantheism and fractals lies in the idea that the universe is self-similar, meaning that patterns repeat themselves at different scales. This suggests that the universe is not only interconnected, but also self-organizing and self-generating. The study of fractals can therefore provide insight into the nature of the universe and our place within it. Pantheism and fractals both offer a perspective that emphasizes the interconnectedness and beauty of the natural world, and can inspire a sense of wonder and reverence for the universe.
Pantheism is a philosophical belief that views the universe and nature as divine and sacred. It posits that the universe is not separate from a higher power, but rather, the universe itself is the higher power. This belief system emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of living in harmony with nature, theists reject the idea of a personal God or gods and instead see divinity in everything around them. This philosophy has influenced many thinkers throughout history, including Spinoza, Emerson, and Einstein.
Baruch Spinoza wrote:
"Whatever is, is in God, and nothing can be, or be conceived without God."

The Philosophy of Embracing All: Omnism
Omnism is a relatively new concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It refers to the belief that there is truth and value in all religions, and that no one religion has a monopoly on spiritual wisdom. This inclusive approach to spirituality is becoming increasingly popular as people seek to find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Omnism is a relatively new religious movement that has gained popularity in recent years. is a belief system that embraces all religions and spiritual practices, recognizing that there is no one true path to enlightenment. Omnists believe that religions are valid and that each one offers a unique perspective on the divine. They reject the idea that any one religion is superior to others and instead seek to find common ground between different faiths.
Omnism is often seen as a response to the growing religious intolerance and extremism that has become prevalent in many parts of the world. It offers a way for people to connect with their spirituality without feeling the need to conform to a specific set of beliefs or practices. Omnists believe that spirituality is a personal journey and that each individual should be free to explore their own path without fear of judgment or persecution.
One of the key principles of omnism is the idea of unity.
Omnists believe that all living beings are interconnected and that we are all part of a larger cosmic consciousness. This belief in unity extends to all aspects of life, including the environment and social justice. Omnists believe that we have a responsibility to care for the planet and to work towards creating a more just and equitable society.
Overall, omnism is a belief system that offers a unique perspective on spirituality and the divine. It is a way for people to connect with their spirituality without feeling the need to conform to a specific set of beliefs or practices. By embracing all religions and spiritual practices, omnists seek to find common ground between different faiths and promote unity and understanding.
Omnism is a philosophy that embraces the idea that all religions are valid and contain some degree of truth. It a belief system that the diversity of religious beliefs and practices around the world, and seeks to find common among them. Omnists believe that no one religion has a monopoly on truth, and that all religions have something valuable to offer. This philosophy encourages individuals to explore and learn from different religions, and to find their own unique path to spiritual fulfillment. By embracing the diversity of religious beliefs, omnism promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for all people and cultures.
And yet; we still as humans have to label every concept of being, you must fit into a certain box, a certain belief system, regardless of what we all believe not one of us can conquer other than oneness our own belief and this you have a right too in the all knowing consciousness.
Sue Salty Sha
My Way of Omnism-Pantheism Philosopy

Way of
The Spirit of the Eight Manners of Solemnity
1. View Rightly 2. Feel Rightly 3. Think Rightly
4. Speak Rightly 5. Order Rightly
6. Contribute Rightly 7. Use Abilities
8. Conduct Rightly
Energy & The 12 Universal Laws
The Law of Divine Oneness 2.The Law of Vibration
3.The Law of Action 4.The Law of Correspondence
5.The Law of Cause and Effect
6.The Law of Compensation
7.The Law of Attraction
8.The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
9.The Law of Relativity10.The Law of Polarity
11.The Law of Rhythm 12.The Law of Gender

Nature is full of fractals.
The fact that we find similarities in shape and form throughout the different magnitudes in the Universe shows that the fractal principle is a fundamental part of the creation process.